





Dai Suki Goi The UK's No 1 Koi Supplies Company

Founded in 1997 


The Virkon Story


Break through in prevention of KHV and SVC

Following the serious koi herpes virus outbreak in most of the key Koi countries, including Japan, Israel and Germany, as well as the UK, it became clear that the Koi fraternity could not depend on out dated remedies and would have to look to the modern techniques of biosecurity practised in other livestock areas. This is when the keynote role that Virkon Aquatic plays so successfully in pig, poultry and cattle production worldwide became clear. The fact that the original Virkon S, the most proven and effective virucide for animals, has now been tailored specifically to Virkon S Aquatic for the biosecurity requirements of the Koi owner, where lower fish toxicity and environmental and user safety are paramount, this anti_virus and anti_bactera product in tablet form, is a great step forward for KHV and SVC infection control and disease management in this rapidly expanding hobby".


   Bradan Ltd leaders in aqua cultural bio security, announce the launch of a new product aimed exclusively at the Koi and aquarium fish market. A unique product, available in individual soluble tablet form, Virkon S Aquatic is specially produced by Dupont Animal Health for the UK aquarist industry and Bradan Limited the exclusive distributors for Dupont aquatic products have appointed Dai Suki Goi as their exclusive partners in distributing it to the Koi market. 

 Virkon S Aquatic builds on the heritage of the original Virkon S disinfectants used in human and animal diseases, as the most proven virucidal disinfectants in the world. It has been shown to have a broad range of efficacy, even at high dilution, against all the major fish virus groups including: fish herpes viruses (Koi Carp Herpes virus; Channel Catfish Virus; Carp Pox Virus), fish rhabdoviruses (Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus; Snakehead Rhabdovirus); fish birnaviruses (IPN virus) and fish orthomyxoviruses (Salmon Anaemia Virus). It is also highly active against Aeromonas, and other bacteria, even at low temperatures.  It provides complete infection control in all aspects of fish rearing.  In addition to this proven efficacy, it has a favourable environmental profile and also offers great user safety.

Welcoming the launch of Virkon S Aquatic, leading fish veterinarian Professor Ron Roberts, retired Director of the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling and Hagerman Distinguished Professor at the University of Idaho explains “Virus infection in the Koi industry has become a serious concern with the growth of the hobby and the increased importation of Koi from countries affected by Koi Herpes virus and Spring Viraemia Virus.

  Following the recent serious Koi Herpes virus outbreak in most of the key Koi countries including Japan, Israel and Germany, as well as the UK it became clear that the Koi fraternity could not depend on out dated remedies and would have to look to the modern techniques of biosecurity practised in other livestock areas. This is when the keynote role that Virkon S plays so successfully in pig, poultry and cattle production worldwide became clear. The fact that the original Virkon S, the most proven and effective virucide for animals, has now been tailored specifically to the biosecurity requirements of the Koi owner, where lower fish toxicity and environmental and user safety are paramount, is a great step forward for infection control and disease management in this rapidly expanding hobby”.

 To maximise the benefits to the Koi producer, Bradan have appointed Koi specialist company “Dai Suki Goi” as its exclusive partner in distributing this innovative product. Commenting on the acute need for aquaculture biosecurity Dai Suki Goi director Andrew Ashmore said “ Since the appearance of Koi herpes disease, the need for a super effective and safe virucidal disinfectant for Koi viruses has been very clear, and this product, from a manufacturer as reputable as Dupont is bound to be a breakthrough. Its use for the first time at the British Koi Society Show at Nottingham was a complete success. If it is the disinfectant of choice for Sars and Anthrax it is obviously powerful stuff”.

Dai Suki Goi is producing a new leaflet, in conjunction with Professor Roberts, which explains the various ways in which the new product is used to prevent viruses from getting into the individual Koi water system. It will also introduce the totally new concept of ‘water column sanitization’, where Virkon S Aquatic can be dripped into the incoming make- up water to reduce any virus levels in the tank or pond water column below infectious dose levels, even if an infected carrier fish is introduced, without toxic effects on the fish and with minimal depletion of biological filters.